A hobby is generally thought to be an occasional, non-oriental activity which is performed for fun, typically at one’s own leisure time. Hobbies include playing musical instruments, collecting kitchen appliances, playing video games, or exploring sports. Many people today think that hobbies are “old-fashioned” and “stiff.” However, it is possible to have a fulfilling hobby even if you live in a contemporary setting–and if you aren’t inclined towards particular types of hobbies, you can still have a fulfilling hobby and still enjoy it! Here are a few ideas for things to do when you have no hobbies:
* Think about your job description. Many people spend their days speaking to prospective employers and trying to figure out how they fit into the company’s work culture and structure. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing on the job anymore, is that really something you want to pursue? Are you aware, however, that it might be contributing to your current situation? For example, if your job description entails supervision of other people and your skills aren’t up to par, working with younger people may not be the best option for you any more than working with older people.
* Consider your hobbies. There are many common hobbies which appeal to both men and women. You might be drawn to an interest that only a few other people share. Consider pursuing an activity involvement that connects to your interests. If so, this could be an ideal hobby for you regardless of whether or not it makes you a good fit within your company’s work culture.
In addition to considering your job description, consider your personal interests. Consider hobbies that you are interested in but which others may not be aware of. For example, are you particularly fond of model airplanes? If so, this may be an ideal hobby for someone who works in the modeling industry as well as for anyone else considering the same as a hobby. If you have children, you may want to put aside your career interests in favor of your family’s interests; after all, children are impressionable and even adults have to do things with their kids that they wouldn’t normally do.
For hobbies that you’re pursuing outside of your work culture, do not list these on your resume as well, unless you’re specifically volunteering at the same time that you’re listed as a hobbyist. For example, if you are a skilled crafts person, consider writing short stories for children or taking part in art class so that you can show off your talents in this area. However, be sure to include this on your resume as a volunteer so that you don’t become too tied to these activities. If your hobby takes up most of your spare time, this can also work to your advantage with certain employers.
As mentioned earlier, hobbies can take up a lot of your free time, but how much leisure time do you actually spend in these activities? Many hobbyists say that there is hardly any time at all spent in their hobbies, but some avid hobbyists spend hour upon hour crafting miniature models or building intricate furniture. These people are not necessarily spending hours upon hours at their hobbies, but it is still an important part of their lives. On the other hand, many workers are extremely busy with their work and may only devote a few hours a week to their hobby; but most hobbyists have more free time than this and can sometimes fit their hobby into their work routine. If your job requires you to sit at a desk all day (or if your job requires you to stay at a desk), then your hobby may not be the best fit for you.
Even though there are some occupations that don’t allow their workers to have hobbies, there are some that allow hobbyists and regular workers to mingle. For example, many nurses have a hobby or two of scrapbooking or needlepoint, which can be seen as work, but it is still within their capacity to help other people. If you’re thinking about joining a health care profession, then perhaps you could see if a hospital has a department where you could learn embroidery. Although stitching will require you to do a lot of manual labor, you can still make a very comfortable living.
One other occupation that allows hobbyists to intermingle is the business world. With jobs becoming more automated, hobbyists who have stable incomes are finding that they can spend some of their leisure time pursuing their hobby instead of their income. A good hobby can sometimes replace a job, or at least help one along if that job is disappearing. This is true for many of the craftsman, artists, and others who are making things like artificial knees, sewing machines, and other equipment that makes things possible that would otherwise not be possible.